From my walk
Black rock red paint
Today I walk around the same North head loop in usual direction as always.The sun was bright and warmth was felt on my face. It being a wonderful sunny day there were many folks circumnavigating the rocky trail in both directions. When people passed you have to try and maintain a social distance, some places this was easy but others you would have to scramble up a rock face in order to achieve distance. At one point I did this and paused while they passed , it was in an area where I typically would not have stopped or even looked around. Today was different, I took the instance in time to gaze over my surroundings, on a dark rock face behind me ,written in somewhat faded red paint now are the words “you are beautiful “. Reading this to myself I thought hmmm this is nice graffiti. I did feel a little better after reading this. Three simple words can change your outlook on the day. So let me give it a try and pass it forward. " you are beautiful!" I passed a few other spots with the same faded red paint , another said " You are Loved".
As you go through your everyday routines REMEMBER you are beautiful and you are loved....