Sunday, May 9, 2021

 From my walk

Black rock red paint 

Today I walk around the same North head loop in usual direction as always.The sun was bright and warmth was felt on my face. It being a wonderful sunny day there were many folks circumnavigating the rocky trail in both directions. When people passed you have to try and maintain a social distance, some places this was easy but others you would have to scramble up a rock face in order to achieve distance. At one point I did this and paused while they passed , it was in an area where I typically would not have stopped or even looked around. Today was different, I took the instance in time to gaze over my surroundings, on a dark rock face behind me ,written in somewhat faded red paint now are the words “you are beautiful “. Reading this to myself I thought hmmm this is nice graffiti. I did feel a little better after reading this. Three simple words can change your outlook on the day. So let me give it a try and pass it forward.  " you are beautiful!"  I passed a few other spots with the same faded red paint , another said " You are Loved". 

As you go through your everyday routines REMEMBER you are beautiful and you are loved.... 



Saturday, May 8, 2021

Another day of an Isolation walk. 

 As I entered the trail I saw a dark SUV with tinted windows.

I saw my reflection in the window as I passed I paused and looked at the window. I looked at my face it was covered in a thick white beard my eyes looked tired,I thought to myself what am I doing here, why am I in a strange city walking around alone. As I stood there looking into the window I pondered my existence here. As I focused
on my red ball hat and facial details the reflection beginning to melt into the car. As the reflection reached the door level  I heard a stark voice saying to get out of here. My image was gone as window was now down , the voice was from the passenger in the car. I guess I shouldn’t stand And look in the parked cars. 

I briskly left and wandered up the trail.

Friday, May 7, 2021

While completing an isolation,

I went for another walk today and my charming wife had asked "how was your walk?"

My reply ,

 I saw a deflated helium balloon laying on the sidewalk, the helium was gone but there was still enough air to show a deflated balloon shape. It had a ribbon tied to it and another popped pink balloon  that weighted it down, the balloon swayed to and fro in the wind that was blown up from the choppy harbor. The balloon couldn’t go where it wanted it was just at the mercy of the wind. I stood an watched it for awhile thinking about my situation. I felt as deflated , couldn’t soar where I wanted , just at the mercy of the health care system.

As I continued to watch the ragged red balloon it inches out in traffic and was hit by a car! I thought to myself at that moment, holy shit I had better get back to the safety of my humble abode.  I did pick up the remains of the once joyous balloon and placed its floppy carcass into a trash receptacle. A small tear of sorrow formed in the corner of my eye.... actually this was caused by the wind as well

Yes the walk was exhilarating! 

Thanks for asking !

Thursday, May 6, 2021

 April 19th

Taking another walk around my regular route around the base of signal hill I think it’s called the North Head trail. As I made it to the mouth of the harbor I saw a young lady sitting in the faded red Adirondack chair , she was bundled in a grey hoodie , red knitted hat and a puffy black coat. She sat quietly reading a tattered paperback book.

This is where I had planned to sit and enjoy the view, I pressed on just over the crest and found a suitable rock to rest on. Looking south over the water I watched the sun play on the waves , the wind was also playing against water, tasting the salt from the foaming waves while they beat against the coast. I could also taste this same salt as I wet my lips. The white foam softened the rugged coast. I wanted to take a photo but somehow the pleasure of sitting here and enjoying the moment would have been lost so I declined. 

I untied and donned the coat that was wrapped around my waist , I could feel the sweat begin to cool me down with the shore breeze. Slipping my hand into the dark satin pocket of my black Carhartt bomber coat I felt the dimpled rind of two small oranges , today’s snack. I slowly worked the peel from the fruit and savored each juicy bite.

The noise of the waves didn’t go away , it stayed constant, simply grew louder and softer and only drowned out by squawking seagulls as they passed. With my oranges consumed, deep breath’s inhaled a fog horn near the  light house began to bellow in the distance, this was my signal to leave. 


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