Thursday, August 2, 2018

The Power of YES, The Long Trail

   The power of "YES"
Its a powerful word, It will change your life, change your direction change your thought change your mood and eventually change you. According to the dictionary it is loosely defined as
"used as a function word to express assent or agreement " as an example, are you ready? Yes, I am. 
That's just the surface of it though ,it can mean much more than that. For me it is a travel word, a story word an experience word. I have found that saying YES will take you places! Think about it. The day sitting on the beach , it was asked " do you want to hike the long trail?" The answer of course was yes. If the answer was NO the conversation would have ended in silence and the story would have died a death.   
    No good story in life happened by saying NO. After we said yes to the adventure, the next questions were, do you want to hike from the bike and bean to Hubbards, Do you want to go to Boston to purchase some equipment, do you want to go to Vermont to scope out the trail. All these questions had the answer YES and we now have many memories because of it. The word YES has transformed our lives a little bit so far and its not done. I don't want to go back to the NO days. I challenge you to say YES and see where it takes you . Before you answer give some thought to the outcome. Remember YES will take you in one direction while NO will leave you sitting alone wondering what us YES people are doing.

    Do I want another beer.....Hmmm I think the answer is Yes. See what I mean "travel" now I have to get up go to the fridge and get myself a beer. YES!

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The Power of YES, The Long Trail

   The power of "YES" Its a powerful word, It will change your life, change your direction change your thought change your mood a...