Thursday, August 2, 2018

Dr. Phil moment, The Long Trail

   I hope as I go along with this journal people enjoy reading about what has taken place to get us where we are and where we are going. I can say for me I am enjoying the ride! When Anita and I sit and discuss what our plan is I am sure there are times when we can’t believe it ourselves. I suppose its time for a doctor Phil moment. This is what I hope to accomplish. From when Anita and I were young we didn’t have a life plan. Who does? it just happens. My work , her work, houses and kids. With all this going on there is no time just to do. To Do something to Do nothing its different for everyone, Looking back I see I was very busy with working for a living and this has been what has consumed our life. We are now to a point where the children have established their own life and don’t rely on us for much. They are independent and do their own thing….that is except for pick up their clothes from the floor and do the dishes…but that’s a different doctor Phil moment . 
   So what do I hope to gain from this? I think it will be a great personal accomplishment to finish the trail but in reality finish or not I will be happy to do this with Anita beside me! We will go as far as far as we can. That is our expectation. I would like for others to see that great things are still possible in spite of our age. I would like to inspire our kids , not sure at this time if it will make an impact but maybe in a few years they can look back and say , WOW you guys really did this hike , what a great adventure. I would hope this would allow them to dream bigger travel farther based on our adventures dream. To me that would be cool! I guess sometimes you have to lead by example and this is what we plan to do

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