Thursday, August 23, 2018

Jet Boil Stove Test, A Beach Success

  OK this is not the hike but still important step in the process. Checking the gear, Decided to have coffee on the beach. The Jet boil stove was fired up with a couple of cups of water. This will typically heat water within two minutes but with an onshore breeze it was little longer. Once at a rolling boil the stove was turned off and coffee added. A fine grind Tim Hortons blend was what was on hand, I did purchase a French Press for the coffee , as this was pushed into the coffee water mixture, it became infused with the bold fragrant dark roast. After sitting a minute it was ours to enjoy. Sitting on our chairs sipping coffee on a barren beach with nothing around but splashing waves and the haunting sound of a lonely loon in the distance. 

Yes this is living!

Jet Boil Coffee at Hubbards Beach

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