Thursday, August 2, 2018

Plans in Place, The Long Trail

   Plans were discussed and yes you guessed it , there was more beer and wine that fueled the planning. We sat around many nights at the trailer and talked about how things were going to happen. At first Anita and Tom were not as excited as Pauline and I and to be fair I don’t think they were really interested. Tom did love the research, planning part, Anita joined right in as my support. At first I think Anita was happy that I was planning this and she could be alone at the beach and the trailer. Somewhere along the line this changed for both of them. After all if there was an epic adventure or dare I say a life changing experience that could you could be part of wouldn’t you want to join in ? For Tom and Anita the answer was yes, it may have been because they were worried about us or may have been they were asked to join in at a vulnerable time , yes 8 beer . So again a new plan was started. From this point the Appalachian trail was the one we were looking to hike , to be clear it wasn’t the full trail but a section of it.. One evening while enjoying the Laffords company and talking about you tube videos, camping gear and such ,Pauline asked about the Long Trail. This was the point our focus changed from the Appalachian to the long trail. And yes you are correct again beer helped make this decision. Unfortunately for Tom and Anita only a few beer had been consumed, this meant Pauline and I remembered everything! Now what should happen? A few practice hikes and some equipment shopping. 
   The You Tube videos were watched and they abundant describing everything to take , everything to wear, everything to eat, what to buy where to buy it and the cost of the trip. What it doesn’t tell you is how much  beer you will have during the planning stages. I am not sure what the beer drinking planning record is But I am sure we are in the top ten.We were asked if we worried about getting lost, I really don’t worry about getting lost along the way as Budweiser be out looking for us in September as their sales will slump. Budweiser if you come out for us have the Blue delicious on Ice! I am beginning to think this is a beer drinking story and not about an epic hiking trip.
More to come

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