Thursday, August 2, 2018

The Start of something BIG, The Long Trail

   Exploring is a lost art, in this electronic world the arm chair traveller dominates the landscape. It would seem the information highway is the only thing getting travelled , living through someone else's experiences! Some are happy to do this BUT we are not.
   To grow as a person and personally the boundaries of what you thought you could do and where you thought you would go has to be stretched from time to time. its only when you find yourself in a different situation does your mind open and this personal growth begins. I believe that you will realize that life is more than looking at the same horizon, there is actually something else beyond it. Travel is the key.
It may be better although it may in fact not be , but you won't know until you take that step. So take my hand, open your heart and lets live a life to remember. 

   The hardest step will be the first.

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