I must say that
when I look back to last year when we conceived this Idea of hiking the long
trail it seemed like there was plenty of time before the start. We are now 8
days away and to say I am excited would be an understatement. I just cannot
believe how fast time goes by. It is really true the older you get the faster
time goes by. My only advice on this is to take advantage of every breath and don’t
waste time.
Nearing the start we
have been constantly been checking gear and weights. Some folks think we should
have heads checked....Our pack weights should be within the 25 to 28 pound
range. This will not be too bad and I am sure we will adjust this over the
course of the trip. Anytime I think about weight I remember the time when I was
purchasing a road bike ( bicycle) while evaluating the weights vs the cost of
the bike another gentleman walked and was doing the same thing I was . The
difference between the two of us was
that he had a lot more money than I so
he was looking at the most expensive bikes in stock. I remembered he talked
about the weights of all the bikes and there were only ounces in the difference.
Cost was not the issue but the weight was . I give credit to the salesman as he
said to the plump customer. You can save yourself a lot of money by losing a
few pounds and buying a cheaper bike. I laugh when i remember this and I think about this when weighing my gear….Do
I really need to count the ounces I am carrying or should I lose a few pounds
The Blackstone Traveler
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