Friday, May 10, 2019

Light weight Camper

Well my dreams of a teardrop trailer have been dashed, but that doesn't mean that the dream has died. Its not completely gone but has changed, There is a small travel trailer now parked in our yard. The little Taylor coach has a bed and dinette with a counter space. Other than that not much else, what it lacks in amenities it makes up for in quaint charm....and a slight smell of a dog from the previous owners. Working on getting that out. 
So where will we go? how long will we stay? What will we do? these are our unanswered questions that we are eager uncover! We are powered by YES and cannot wait for our first small trailer shake down. The sight of the open road , the smell of a campfire as the colors of orange and yellow dance in our eyes. With friends we will be telling old stories and at the same time creating new ones. It will be a couple of weeks before we get this out as we are completing minor changes such as bearing change, paint the frame and the interior. I simply cannot wait!
As our buddy Tom would sa
y, "Lets Go!
Image may contain: tree and outdoor"Image may contain: indoorImage may contain: indoor

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