Friday, April 19, 2019

Moving on to something new

On to something new I suppose or a least a way to pass some time, A friend mentioned the idea of starting carving and I thought hmmm, maybe give this a try and see how it goes. I completed a bit of research which was just watching You Tube videos. I wasn't sure how the carving would go but did enjoy the videos and this certainly passed some time. This was the initial stage, now to purchase a couple of knives to start this new craft. My charming wife will be happy that I have something new to spend money on and as I would find out after,  a craft that would create a mess when doing it. You know what they say , Ignorance Is Bliss. Looking for the most economical knife set I turned to Amazon of course. I finally decided on a flex cut knife set. This seemed to be a good starter and not to expensive. The next purchase was some Bass wood,  I did purchase the original order from Amazon but later went to Lee Valley and then later found a local wood company that had Bass wood in stock.
  Now with wood and Knives in hand what else was for the cuts then a glove. I again watched some videos and began the process of shaping the wood. The first couple of pieces I managed to carve some fire wood and shavings for fire stater. I wife was impressed as I spent an hour or more whittling a nice block of wood in to something that I threw in the fire pit! Oh well at least the flame was nice and I did get a little warmth from it.
  With a little patience I did manage to create a few little characters, I know this will be a learning progress and will take some time to begin to master but like anything keep practicing and enjoy the ride.

Below are a few photos showing what has been done thus far.


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