Thursday, February 21, 2019

Cuba - What we enjoyed! -

Good Day,
The things we enjoyed while in Cuba. I am sad to report we did not leave the resort and there is a reason for that. Currently working in Northern Canada  and  when we decided to book the trip it was fro one reason! That reason was to escape the cold and the snow! there has been an abundance of snow here and I think even a few records broken with the amounts that have fallen in the past couple months. So you see it was simple......Get to the resort and enjoy the Sun, Heat , Sand and the Water. As it turned out that is exactly what we did!
   So when mentioning what we enjoyed , it is based on our experiences at other resorts through out Dominican, Jamaica and Mexico. This is just our impressions and experiences. I think this is also based on the time of year that we had visited Cuba. ( February as opposed to later in April). Not sure if that made a difference or not , just thought I would mention it.
   In other resort areas our experience is that you would have to get up early to find a spot with a bit of shade on the beach. At the resort we stayed this was not the case. We did get up early to enjoy the beach in the morning but did not have to in order to secure a spot. In saying that we did anyway, I suppose force of habit. We found that folks during this time of the year came to the beach all through out the day and were able to get a spot whether they wanted sun or shade. Lots of chairs available and they did range from old to new.
 Breakfast was always a good meal. Omelets were usually my choice but the array of fresh rolls and breads c/w cheese had me re-thinking that plan. The breads ,rolls and croissants fresh from the oven were fantastic and we ate bread every morning.
  The buffet at lunch had an ample choice to please anyone's palate. There was no fear of going hungry at this resort. If all else fails the pasta bar was cooking whatever you desired. We were told many things prior to going , one of those things had been that the steak was not good. Happy to report that we ate at the TEX-MEX restaurant three times and had steak every time. Of course it was not as good as home or should I same not what we were used to eating But was rather good. Going back three times speaks volumes.
   The beer served was Crisal and no matter where you went on the resort it was crisp and cold and certainly quenched your thirst. VERY ENJOYABLE!
  From the time we landed until the time we left we did not experience the folks asking for money or trying to sell you something around every corner. On the beach we were approached once and asked if we wanted to go on the snorkeling trip but when we declined that was it, the gentleman didn't bother us again. Once when we stayed in Puerto Plata there was a guy there that tried to sell us a time share multiple times a day on the resort grounds. It was so bad we had to change where we walked to the buffet and lobby bar just to avoid him. No was not the answer he was looking for. This certainly didn't happen at the resort we stayed at. I can't comment on the rest of Cuba but there wasn't anyone trying to sell you stuff on the beach.
   The staff was very friendly as well, no matter where you were they would always give you a happy greeting. That was with and with out a tip.
  The resort we had stayed at for the record was Melia Varadero.

Kind regards,

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