Thursday, February 21, 2019

Cuba -review-

What to expect while traveling to Cuba,
Please note this is just our experience and was our first time in CUBA.
  The entry in to Cuba was a bit different, once off the plane ,of course everyone has to go through custom clearance which is what is expected. it was just a bit odd how it was completed. Everybody had to go through as single person, not as a family or couple. Your photo was taken and compared to your passport photo, once approved a door was unlocked to allow you to go through . From  this point you carry on luggage was checked before getting released to pick up the remainder of your luggage. Its important to note that when on the plane there is an entry/exit form to be filled out, this will be required when you exit the country so don't lose it.
  The collection of luggage was uneventful in fact not like other places like Mexico/Jamaica/Dominica where folks are swarming around you trying to carry your luggage for a tip , there was only a couple and they did not bother you if you said no. It was actually relaxing compared to the other southern destinations.
   There was a bank just outside the departures are where you could have your money exchanged and even pick up a cold beer if you so desired. Just finding the correct bus was very easy and again I will mention , you were not over run with people trying to carry your luggage or pull you in a different direction. So far so good.
  The Bus ride was like any other bus ride, just dropped folks around at the resorts in a logical manner I  suppose until we arrived at the resort we were staying at. We stayed at the Melia Varadero which was not the last resort to be dropped off nor was it the first.
  The resort was built in the late 90's so was a bit dated but was clean. The staff at the front was very welcoming and had us sorted out in a short amount of time. It was an easy transition from the front desk arrival to our room. The room was nothing spectacular but as I mentioned earlier was clean and accommodating. The bar fridge had a few beers and a few sodas, the bed was a king bed that sat low to the ground. It was firm but comfortable. the view wasn't bad, over looked the courtyard and a distant view of the water. We were on the fourth floor so you could see if there was any weather changes in the distance form our patio.
  The beach was a short walk away from the edge of the resort property. The sand itself was a brownish sand from the coral and rocks. This wasn't the best beach we have ever been on but still was quite nice. Water was warm and inviting. We saw the water transform from flat calm to large crashing waves and enjoyed each transition. The colors of the water was amazing. The greens and blues are to describe you truly have to see it to appreciate it. We would walk the beach in the morning and spend the rest of the day soaking up warm rays of the sun.
  I can't wait to go back to Cuba. I may pick a different section of the island to explore the next time.

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