Saturday, February 16, 2019

A last Minute trip to Cuba

With most travel  we look  in advance to see what are plans are , where we are going and such, But after spending the last couple of weeks in the snow I decided it was time for a change. Of course the decision was made easier as a co-worker had just returned from a Cuba trip as well. He was talking about the vacation in Cuba, with that I contacted a travel agent and between her and my charming wife a trip was booked to Varadero Cuba in what seemed like minutes! the nice part is I only had to wait a couple of days before boarding a 747 south.  I needed the liquid sunshine, I needed to walk in the sand with nothing on my feet, I needed to taste salt on my lips from the warm Caribbean ocean. I needed the warm tropical waters washing over my ankles... OK , I suppose that's enough, you get the picture. I wanted to go South!    We have listened to many reviews about Cuba by folks that where there, by people that were not there at all. The only way to get the proper perspective is to go there and see for yourself. We do not have all the same needs or wants so your experience will not be the same as ours. What I can tell you is We had a Great time, The food was good! weather was great. The people were great. 

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