Saturday, September 22, 2018

Anita had a fall

Well woke up This morning to find Anita still likes me or so it would seem . I neglected to mention that she slipped on a log yesterday and twisted her hand back . All I could think of, was the lengths some people go through to get out of doing the dishes , taking a dive . I suppose it wasn’t really like that but that’s what we said to her . This pissed her off more than falling. Breakfasts was made , it was a wonderful mixture of brown sugar oatmeal with a little extra regular oatmeal to top it up. We also had a life giving coffee that coursed through our veins as we packed up the camp. The sun shone through the heavy green foliage to cast a wonderful hue upon our faces . We packed up quite quickly and were cascading along the trail before long. Today’s pace was nice due to the weather , lightly overcast with cool temperatures . It seemed the sun was out long enough for us to pack up then hid behind the light grey clouds as we moved on. How will we remember the trip? Will it be from the smells , how about the sights or even how it makes you feel ? If you are one of the lucky ones you will have the chance to draw on your memories with a touch of all three ! It’s funny to us even on the short time we have experienced this phenomenon of hiking on the trail how we can’t wait to get back out once we leave. I have talked to many others during this trip on the trail and they all voice the same opinion.
The hike would have us travel up and down through this foot path of The wilderness . We have encountered roots , rocks , mud , trees (ouch) and mud , roots, rocks and trees , you get the picture . The truth is the trail is all the same and Is always different . That doesn’t sound right but is .
- [ ] We travelled along and found a look off called prospectors rock. This looked into a valley and into a town called Manchester. Hard to describe ... the rock was a few hundred feet below the summit , it was a shear face that i could it see the bottom of and made us nervous just to be close to the edge. Looking into the valley we saw a quaint small town surrounded in the bosom of the green mountains. The sun beamed it’s way down between the peaks to highlight building tops . Many colours of green were visible to the naked eye, we wanted to stay but had to move on! Our next stop was the spruce peak shelter for lunch , ramen noodles in a cup, yes I know what you are thinking , I sure know how to treat a girl. She is living good , travel and exotic cuisine. This was a nice little shelter that slept about 15 to 20 people as required. After lunch our hike continued out to the 11/30 road . Tom and Pauline were there to greet us , they are our trail angels. Trail angels are people that wait at cross roads to assist long trail hikers or anyone who may need it . They fit the bill. After the pick up we drove to a state park called emerald lake named after the colour of the lake that the park surrounds. Cool night, outside fire , in bed just after dark
- [ ] Plan to be on the trail in the morning, MT Brommely awaits

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