Saturday, September 22, 2018

Rutland Hotel

Today the forecast called for heavy rain with this in mind we planned to resupply and plan the next leg of this amazing race . Of course with these plans made the rain held off I suppose Mother Nature wants to gives us some liquid sunshine along the way so she will wait to rain tomorrow while we slip and slid through the woods. Yes we will be careful! Tonight we will be staying in Rutland , Tom and Pauline wanted to go back to the Rutland restaurant to bring back some minestrone memories shadows of the past. The town was toured as supplies were purchased. Tomorrow we will do a small connection hike between two road crossings. Bear mountain will be tackled first and should be for the most part a downhill hike. Rained very hard late in the day so the trail will be muddy we will certainly e taking our time through this next section. Good news for Bernard tonight he had extra crispy Kentucky fried chicken, good news for me, Bernard removed my stitches . Anita is feeling better so all is good on the trail. This is our plan right now but may change in the morning. To bad Colleen didn’t give us Jubes for the trip we could have used them

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