Saturday, September 22, 2018

River Night

This morning we awake to the dripping leaves from the heavy dew that accumulated on the leaves over our tent. The river flowing in the background was still music the our ears. I gently stoked Anita’s should as I asked her to move her feet so that I could exit the tent. Of course she was happy to comply. NOT. Once out of our one bedroom accommodations I proceeded to boil water for our morning coffee and oatmeal. Anita crawled out of the sleeping bag and joined me for the morning Java. We sat and watched the river flow by as we sipped away. These are one of the moments that will be etched in our memories. With breakfast completed the camp site was packed up. Squirrel emptied his pack as always before repacking all the gear . We hit the trail about 8:00 am. It would seem the start and finish of every day starts the same , with a climb and today was no different. The path led us up into the fog as it skirted along the side of the mountain all along going in the up hill direction. The forest at times was dark as the sun tried to break through the overcast skies. We stopped at a few vistas and enjoyed the sprawling mountain ranges that stretched into the horizon. The colours are changing with every night, for the light yellows to the beginnings of the vibrant reds and oranges. Killington was in our sites and we hiked hard to make it there for lunch. Once there lunch was prepared on the tenting platforms that had been constructed at the top. This was not the peak of Killington but very close, the wet fog or clouds cooled our bodies as lunch was prepared, soup and sandwich was on the menu and you can believe me nothing tasted so good. It’s funny what it takes to make you happy on the trail. It’s the little things it really is. Life is all about perspective and this is showing us what is relevant. With lunch completed the next road crossing was 10km away. It doesn’t sound like much until you see what has to be hiked in order to get there . Also keep in mind we have hiked about 7.5 before lunch. Anita was moving slow in the morning but picked up the pace in the afternoon and was moving quickly in the afternoon trail section . I estimated we would be to the road after 5:00 but to my surprise it was just after 4:00 that we hit the road . A great accomplishment!
Our trail angels were at the parking spot waiting for us. This was a tremendous boost that have them looking out for us. To say thank you to them never seemed to be enough! We were happy to see their smiling faces when we emerged from the trail.
We moved to a campground called Gifford park, another state park, Vermont sure know how to do these.
Killington marks the 100 mile mark on the trail , we were a little short due to the run to the hospital for stitches but we are still happy with our progress
The inn at the long trail would be our destination for supper, a good hearty meal was had by all and setting was quite unique. Back to site for an early tuck in.
I think we all still like each other.

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