Saturday, September 22, 2018

Trail Names

Trail names,
It would seem that most folks on the trail have a trail name . The reason for this I cannot explain, it’s just one of those things that started long before we thought about the trail. It would seem that hikers would like to have some Anonymity I suppose. Some of the characters we met had these trail names and each of the names held a meaning. The thing about the names is the typically someone will give you this name because of something you did or said or that happened to you. Some examples of this are , one guy we met was called triple zero, so this was based on zero meaning no miles hiked and the triple was he had to take three days off when he started due to twisting his ankle, triple zero. Another guy was fish fry, this guy carried a fishing rod with him and fired up what he caught along the way. There were many others that had funny or interesting names. We have named Bernard “squirrel” because like a squirrel when ever we stopped he would go through his backpack or his car looking for something. Of course it would always be the last thing in the pack or the car . Very similar to how a squirrel would behave. My name became light days , now it sounds from the name that I may have carried a light pack, this was not the case. It may have been that I just did a few miles a day, this was not the case , the name came from when I cut me head open the the only thing Anita could get her hands on quickly was a light day pantie liner to stop the bleeding, hence the name light days. So you can see how some names come about , now when we meet the other hikers on the trail and explain our names they have a good laugh as we do as well!

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