Saturday, September 22, 2018

Hard Day Yesterday

How would today’s terrain be was the question on everyone’s mind. All the hikers felt the same as we did from the trail to the shelter so this was the topic of conversation. Two ladies that we met at lunch didn’t get in until 10:30 pm last night. A hard day for them!

The assent from the cabin to the crest of the mountain was another draining hike. My eyeballs were sweating on this section as well as an assortment of other parts that I shouldn’t mention. Bernard was also sweating out of every pour. After about 2 hours of this the trail became more manageable and miles were chewed up and spit out, it felt good to be on the move once again. Many types of terrain had been covered during the past two days, one section had a bed of bright green ferns that seemed to be energized from the sun, in the spots between the leafy greens there was many light yellow butterflies that seemed to have hatched just as we arrived, these are one of the moments I will try to remember. Bernard lead the the trail the whole trip I am not sure if he likes being in front or just likes to clean the webs for me! I hope it is the web cleaning he likes. At one point he had so many webs and green caterpillars hanging off of his glasses they looked like the hanging balls around the windows of a Mexican car.
Stopped for lunch at a shelter again and took our time to sit and enjoy the sun and location. While sitting and thinking I realized that Bernard and I hardly spoke while hiking , we just poked along in the rhythm of the trail. Watching our every step bouncing along to the sound of my spoons clanging together as this was our beat. When I say we didn’t talk that wasn’t entirely true , We did pause throughout to have a laugh. Made it out to the road crossing at 1:00 and awaited the arrival or our trail angels!
They arrived as planned at 2:30 for the pick up, drove back to collect cars and drove to a hotel for a well deserved shower . By the way we needed it !

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