Saturday, September 22, 2018

Camels Hump

Camels hump 
Today would be the day we set our sights on camels hump, this is one of the largest peaks in the green mountain range. Being a little excited I woke around 6:00am of course we were assisted by the 5:00 am owl who who made sure we were awake. Fueled by coffee and oatmeal we drove the hour to the camels hump trail head. The full compliment of hikers joined in on this one myself,Anita , Tom Pauline and Bernard. Looking up from the parking area the weather didn’t look so good at the top at least from what we could see, it appeared to be quite foggy . undeterred we set off , our feet had passed some of this ground before and the familiar space was nice. We stopped by here early in the year to check things out. 3/4 of the way up was a strenuous but manageable hike from that point things got steep and rocky. Tom Pauline and Anita stopped at this point and made their way back to the lot. It was still a very good hike for them to make it to this point and all should be commended for this achievement! Bernard and I moved onward and upward the steep rocky path would not slow us down, today we had only a light pack with the essentials. This section caused our bodies to heat once again and produce sweat. We crested the final section before the assent to the rocky outcrop known as camels hump. There was a lot of mist and fog at this point which saddened us but didn’t dampen our spirits.moved up! The next section had us scrambling the wet rocks making our way to the summit. Just as we made it a friendly voice yells out”light days is that you?” This voice belongs to Sunny a young lady who we had met earlier in our travels. Bernard and I had been her trail angel at one point giving her water that she needed for her next section. We were surprised as she was! Standing on the summit with the cool wet wind chilling our skin the clouds began to clear and most magnificent mountain views were given to us like a present. Our eyes feasted on a 360 degree view of the sprawling green mountains. The photos do not do it justice, sad for that. 20 minutes of enjoyment, talking , laughing and finally leaving. Bernard and I hit the trail hard , we were fast and fluid like a rushing river as our trail legs carried us down the slopes. Each step hit with precision and determination, no miss steps as we poured through the terrain to the parking lot. It was funny as we hardly sweat in this section . The camels hump was the icing on the cake ,
Enjoy the photos
The Blackstone Traveler and companions!

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