Saturday, September 22, 2018

Rock Climb

Left the hotel this morning bright and early. Completed our laundry last night so we have clean clothes ready to get dirty. Life goes in circles. The forecast called for sun but there was none of that in sight at least for the start. We left the 103 junction and crossed. What appears to have been a field. There was wooden steps constructed to cross over barb wire. Looked like it was going to be a nice morning. Into the woods it soon went bad as we faced the most extreme climb encountered so far. Rock staircases if you could call them that were placed by Mother Nature for us to use . With in minutes we were a lather of sweat and maybe tears as we moved on further. The make shift stairs zig zags between huge rock crevasse. I took photos but don’t think they will do it justice. At the top we stopped for a break and a drink! To bad it wasn’t bud light. The trail then evened out and for the most part was enjoyable, at least for me. Anita struggled for time to time as the humidity was at 100%. She does not deal well with the heat. We motored along at a steady pace , not fast but steady. There were road crossings , river crossings and bridge crossings every corner something new. At one road crossing a trail angel had a bag in the tree filled with energy drinks for the hikers ! Yes people here love to help the hikers . This is something we would certainly not see in Nova Scotia. Amazing! The trails were very clean even in places that were close to the road garbage could not be found. Again something else you wouldn’t see in Nova Scotia. Our shelter we stayed at tonight is the governor clement shelter , one of the oldest on the trail. It is rock construction with a fireplace inside . I can’t say how happy I am to have seen so many wonderful sights. We are actually camped at the river just down from the camp so we will be hypnotized by the gurgling river as the light rain gathered and fell from the leaves above us, they  tap danced on the roof of the tent. Another moment I am happy to share with Anita and Bernard,

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