Saturday, September 22, 2018

Separate Ways

This morning we went our separate ways, the team split up. We drove from Vermont to Bangor with a quick side stop in North Conway. In Bangor we pick up a hotel room at our regular spot. Tonight we would sleep in a bed. As we are still on hikers time so bedtime came early. The air conditioning was but on low and we tucked in. Tonight we had the Fred and Wilma flintstone beds, if you remember them you will remember they had separate beds to sleep in . Fred could snore all night and Wilma couldn’t hit him! I think they were onto something. Anyway in our separate pillow top mattresses our weary bones settled in for the night. The bed hugged our bodies as the fluffy pillows comforted our sleepy heads. It is going to be hard to leave this in the morning. As we rest in our separate pieces of heaven Anita and I are having a light but witty conversation, in which I ask her how the dog is. She replies, good although he had a few accidents in the house! Nice I said! We have spent the last three weeks pooping in the woods and our dog has been pooping in the house. For Christ sakes what’s wrong with this picture! Home tomorrow so all will be good

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